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"You have not lived
today until you have
done something for someone who can
never repay you."
-- John Bunyan
In 1972, the work of World In Need International was founded upon the belief that every individual is eternally significant and all people can be enabled to help themselves.
Today, World In Need is active around the globe, including the United States, and has touched millions of lives worldwide.
Though the needs of the world are nothing new, the remedies of World In Need are unique. All of its programs and services are self-perpetuating, fortifying, and drawing on the resources of those in need. Like a pebble dropped into a pond, the effects of World In Need's assistance continues long after World In Need has moved on to other villages, communities and countries.
Perhaps you are already a part of World in Need International, or maybe this is the first time you've heard about us. As an old or new friend of World in Need, you need to know about the incredible work World in Need is doing all over the world.
WIN provides health, hope and self-reliance all around the world and those helped turn and help others themselves. WIN brings self-perpetuating solutions that fill the need for physical, social and family needs in every life that we can touch.
OUR VISION: World In Need International maximizes both time and resources through programs built on short-term assistance delivered by dedicated volunteers, resulting in long-term, self-perpetuating solutions.
World in Need International, Inc. is a non-profit organization recognized by the IRS as a 501 © (3) tax-exempt organization. U.S. Federal Tax ID#59-3048894.
John Honeycutt, President
Dan Freeman, Board Member, Asian Director
Jon Wright, European Director
Mailing Address:
World in Need International
PO Box 470578
Celebration, FL 34747
Office Address:
World in Need International
709 Bloom Street #120
Celebration, FL 34747
Contact Phone 1-800-674-3234
Health Workers
Providing Community Health Workers and Free Clinics
Summary: Volunteer doctors, nurses and dentists go into villages and neighborhoods conducting free medical and dental clinics providing diagnosis and relief of pain. Then members of local communities are trained to provide continuing care and promote healthy practices in nutrition, water contamination prevention, childbirth, birth control, medicine and more.
In many places throughout the world people are needlessly suffering and dying from preventable diseases, malnutrition, poor hygiene and lack of basic medical and dental care. World In Need spearheads all-volunteer programs to combat illness and promote good health practices in even the most remote regions of the globe.
World In Need's volunteer doctors and nurses provide life-saving diagnosis, immediate care, curative and preventative medicines, pre-natal and childbirth assistance. This intervention begins the positive cycle of health and well being of the community by establishing and training local Community Health Workers.
The Community Health Workers are members of the local community trained to provide continuing care and promote healthy practices in a wide variety of areas including dentistry, nutrition, minor surgery, water contamination prevention, childbirth, medicine, and more. World In Need volunteers return on a systematic basis to up-grade medical training and catalyze the upward and outward cycle of health and self-reliance.
Project Self-Respect and Independence
Summary - This is World in Need's most powerful program which provides individuals and families with the equipment, animals or training needed to become self-supporting. These families then provide assistance to other families in need, and the cycle continues. Helping one multiplies to help five others without any additional investment. The program is conducted in America and around the world.
World In Need puts the ancient Chinese proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime", into powerful action. With its most popular program, World In Need provides families across the world with the equipment, seeds, funds or food-producing animals, along with the training to turn these resources into a lasting livelihood.
Project Self-Respect and Independence gives impoverished families the means to look beyond the daily struggle for survival and toward a brighter self-reliant future. World In Need provides short-term financial and technical support to one family, which then provides assistance to another family and the cycle continues. Every time World In Need helps one family, within three years, five families have a new means of livelihood. For instance, 100 farm animals will be bred and shared with 100 new families every six months...helping 3,000 families in five years.
By learning how to successfully breed livestock, use and share livestock resources and sell their offspring, villagers can, at last, adequately clothe, nourish and educate their families. Additionally, World In Need provides training in organizing, accounting and planning management, giving villagers lasting remedies for building their communities as well as their independence and pride.
U.S. Project Self-Respect and Independence
In the United States there are many individuals and families in need. The needs of people in this country may be vastly different from those in other parts of the world, yet no less vital, no less devastating. There are those who struggle every day against poverty and hardship, who face illness and accidents and lose everything including hope and self-respect. The livelihood assistance programs of World In Need can intervene.
When things are at their worst, World In Need steps in to provide help and give hope, offer guidance, skills training and a chance to start anew. The volunteer committees of U.S. Project Self-Respect and Independence review applications from all parts of the country and provide assistance in whatever way it is needed, where its needed most.
In keeping with World In Needs self-perpetuating mission, all those who are helped turn and help others, by giving direct assistance or paying back money that goes to alleviate other needs. Through the U.S.-based work of World In Need, people of all circumstances have learned job skills, started their own businesses, gotten off public welfare, and then gone on to support others in finding health, education, employment and, perhaps most importantly, a new sense of dignity and accomplishment.
Placing Orphaned and Abandoned Children in Loving Families
Helping others takes on new and precious meaning when it is directed at those who struggle to reach their first birthday, live in filth, subsist on little, lack hope and cannot help themselves.
World In Need extends a gentle hand to those children who have been put aside, forgotten, abandoned and in need around the world with programs that feed, clothe, love, educate and find homes for them. We first attempt to place these children in loving families within their own countries and then around the world.
Through the Christian Community Centers, World In Need helps thousands of children receive food, clothing and basic medical and dental care, including life-saving medical treatments. In addition, World In Need partners with other orphanages throughout the world to support and monitor quality care and basic assistance for abandoned and orphaned children.
World In Need sponsors nearly 200 children in orphanages around the world, providing necessities and care while working to place children in loving homes within their own countries.
In cases where financial barriers exist, World In Need subsidizes in-country adoptions that bring loving parents and children with a common culture together.
Community Teacher Project
In areas where there is a lack of proper education, we provide teachers and start schools. In this way an entire community of children receives an education rather than a select few, but there's more.
Every 43 hours a new Community Center is formed somewhere in the world by World in Need. The centers are a nondenominational source of strength, spiritual growth and educational assistance.
Each center serves as the hub for delivering World in Need’s livelihood, medical, abandoned children and educational programs for adults and children.
Like everything World in Need initiates, the Community Centers operate on short-term assistance and produce long-term, self-multiplying results.
Each center is run by a member of the community, who has been taught how to provide leadership and training to community members.
All centers become self-sustaining within 18 months and members go on to start other centers in neighboring villages. While many centers have been started with World in Need assistance, twice as many more have been opened by locals themselves.
Seven days a week, since 1991, locals have been teaching others to teach others through the Community Centers. The Centers provide educational assistance and supplies to children and adults, helping them to obtain access to education.
They also support the practice of ethical values and offer free medical care. In many ways the Community Centers help bring physical, social, emotional and community needs into harmony.
Climate Education
We encourage positive actions to prevent man-made climate change across our society by state and local governments, churches, non-profit organizations, smaller businesses, and individuals.
These efforts focus on such matters as energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, low CO2 emitting technologies, and the use of energy-efficient vehicles. These efforts can easily be shown to save money, save energy, reduce pollution that harms human health, and pay for themselves.
Finally, through our Health Worker program, we help the poor know about and avoid harmful environmental effects on and the possibility of global changes in climate that may affect their lives.
Animal Rescue
Animal Shelter and Rescue Program
WIN’s Shelter and Rescue Program networks with animal protection groups worldwide in an effort to protect, care for and rescue animals.
World in Need International implements humane standards for animal care. All our livelihood projects endorse, promote, and adhere to strict policies of humane animal treatment.
World in Need International and its partners address animal suffering and improve the treatment of animals in their countries. WIN provides support, educational programs, guidance and assistance to local groups worldwide.
Contact us for more information.
The essence of World In Need International, helping people help themselves, makes this organization one of the most cost-effective of its kind in the world. With programs built on short-term assistance from dedicated volunteers that result in long-term self-perpetuating remedies, World In Need makes a little bit of time and money go a long way.
Your support can touch millions of lives in vital and lasting ways. A donation of $1,250 can provide farm animals for an entire community. As little as $2,400 feeds 200 malnourished children for an entire year. Please consider what you could do for the many lives touched by World In Need.
World In Need makes a little bit of time and money go a long way. Your support can touch millions of lives, in vital and lasting ways. Contributions to World in Need International are tax deductible.
World in Need International, Inc. is an American non-denominational, non-sectarian, non-profit organization recognized by the IRS as a 501 © (3) tax-exempt organization. U.S. Federal Tax ID#59-3048894.
100% of donations are used for the project designated. Financial statements are available upon request. Production and printing of these materials is paid for by private donations.
World in Need International
PO Box 470578
Celebration, FL 34747
Contact Phone 1-800-674-3234
Financial Information
For your information, the IRS Form 990 is available by request. Thank you.
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